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Homeopathic Research and Development

Homeopathy is a way of treating illness which uses the body's own abilities to make itself well, based on the principle of "like cures like". How does Homeopathy work?  Homeopathic remedies trigger the body's ability to heal itself by stimulating a precise reaction in the body against the symptoms.


Prostate Health and Cancer

Cancer Preventive and Curative Attributes of Plants of the Cactaceae Family: A Review

Cactus flower extracts may prove beneficial in benign hyperplasia 

Nopal for enlarged prostate may have   beneficial results with fewer side effects than traditional medications.

Are nopales a Superfood?

Yes, they are, but not in their raw form. Their powder form gives them that superfood status.

Is nopales good for high blood pressure?

Yes it is. It is used to treat and even manage high blood pressure, as well as diabetes and even cancer.

Nopal Powder can be produced easily and quickly. Pick your season to collect the young tender paddles and fresh flower pods that produce the fruit.

We focus on young paddles and flower pods  to produce the best quality Nopal.

Equipment needed: leather  gloves, disposable collection bags, and a potato peeler.

Clean the spines  off the plant material and rinse, then slice thin strips and place in dehydrator. 

After the cactus has dried, grind it coarsely and store in airtight  container.

Lion’s mane mushrooms are large, white, shaggy mushrooms that resemble a lion’s mane as they grow. They contain bioactive substances that have many beneficial effects on the body, especially the brain, heart, and gut. Lion’s mane mushrooms, also known as Hericium erinaceus, hou tou gu or yamabushitake, have both culinary and medicinal uses in Asian countries like China, India, Japan, and Korea


Crataegus, Hawthorn

Hawthorn has been used as an herbal remedy for heart disease since the first century. It has also been used for digestive and kidney problems.

  • More recently, hawthorn leaf and flower have been used for heart failure, a weakness of the heart muscle that prevents the heart from pumping enough blood to the rest of the body, which can lead to fatigue and limit physical activities.

  • Hawthorn is also used for other heart conditions, including symptoms of coronary artery disease (such as angina).

  • Hawthorn is also used as an herb to lower blood pressure, and treat some heart related diseases.

Sodium Bicarbonate 
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